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Latest Sightings

Raptors are continuing to put on a show over much of the reserve with double figures of marsh harriers seen most days and gatherings of them can be seen towards the end of the day over the reedbed, before they head to roost. A merlin was seen from Ron Barker earlier today and a barn owl was quartering the bull's field yesterday morning. Kestrels can be seen over much of the reserve with many often being seen from United Utilities hide.

Woodcock and snipe continue to be the dominant waders at the moment with 2 woodcock flushed from within the grounds earlier today. Snipe seem to pop up all over the reserve and can often be found along any ditch edge on the reserve. An early pair of avocets have also arrived on the reserve now and have been seen most days over the past week.

Untied utilities is a great place to spot stonechats in the fields and it is also the best place to view the cattle, with the cattle egret often associating with them. A little egret flew over Woodend marsh earlier today and a great egret was on the pool in front of Hale hide yesterday evening.

The feeders at Janet Kear are full of life with various finches and tits using them at the moment, along with a great-spotted woodpecker. Cetti's warblers can also be heard singing from the edges of the pool in front of Janet Kear, and all through the reedbed.

Whooper swan and pink-footed geese numbers are similar to the previous report, with a number of whoopers that are newly arrived, with their orange -stained heads.

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