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The Yellow-browed warbler and Siberian chiffchaffs are continuing to show well at the sewage farm with at least three Siberian chiffchaffs confirmed. There is also a number of common chiffchaffs and goldcrests, along with a number of other commoner species that are making use of the sewage farm, often giving great views. On the theme of warblers, a female blackcap was caught and ringed in front of Janet Kear hide this morning and Cetti's warblers are making lots of noise singing in the reedbed.

The feeders in front of Janet Kear are busy with greenfinches, goldfinches and long-tailed tits along with a regular great-spotted woodpecker. Also at Janet Kear this past week has ben several fly-overs of the odd linnet and siskin.

The mere is still full of birds and the pochards are getting braver, giving brilliant views as they dive for food during the swan feeds. Shelduck, pintails, wigeons, whooper swans, coots and greylags dominate the feeds at the moment, with teal tending to spend most of their time on Vinson's and Sunley's or in The Sluice. The Sluice is also a good place to spot shovelers, best viewed from Ron Barker, and little grebes, Best viewed near United utilities. Gadwall and tufted duck are seen in largest numbers on the pool in front of harrier hide.

Wader variety has increased again with black-tailed godwits a ruff returning to the mere, often showing well during the Swan feeds. Woodcock are using a number of the fields on the reserve to feed at night, with the odd bird being accidentally flushed from within the grounds during the day.

Raptors are remaining fairly constant but a lovely female merlin put on a show chasing lapwings over the mere yesterday evening!

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