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Latest Sightings

Sightings from the past few days remain fairly similar to last time, the yellow-browed warbler and Siberian chiffchaffs at the sewage works are still attracting plenty of visitors and the sibe chiffs in particular are showing very well. Plenty of common chiffchaffs, goldcrests, long-tailed tits and pied wagtails are also still using the area.

Keeping with the theme of passerines, a single tree sparrow was at Reins feeders on Monday along with three reed buntings and a few chaffinches and goldfinches. A siskin flew over the reedbed yesterday afternoon and a yellowhammer flew over Ron Barker yesterday afternoon. The reedbed is full of activity from reed buntings and Cetti's warblers are singing frequently over much of it.

The best time to see wildfowl on the reserve is during our wildfowl feeds where great numbers of whooper swans, pintails, shellducks, wigeon, coots and greylags coming to feed. Pink-footed geese are roosting on the reserve in some good numbers but no further sign of the tundra bean geese from earlier this week.

The 2 ringed plovers on Woodend marsh were still present yesterday and varying numbers of black-tailed godwits and ruffs are using the mere. The only other waders using the reserve over the past few days have been snipe, often seen on Woodend marsh and flying over the reedbed.

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