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Latest Sightings

Birds are beginning to move over the past couple of weeks with waders on the increase and so are Mediterranean gulls, our highest count of which so far was 7 in the roost yesterday evening. Since the 19th there has been at between 1 and 3 med gulls in the roost almost every night, with a few being seen on the reserve during the day as well. Three were on the mere first thing this morning. The bulk of the gull roost is made up with black-headed gulls, with the odd lesser black-backed, greater black-backed, herring and common gulls mixed in.

Waders are on the rise with 29 Avocets on the mere on the 24th, 33 black-tailed godwits has been our highest count yet this year, mostly found on the mere. Ruff are still around in varying numbers with 8 on the mere yesterday. There is also a number of waders using Woodend marsh currently, with 4 ringed plovers there most days, 2 dunlin, 2 redshank and 2 snipe. A woodcock was seen on the reedbed walk last Wednesday. 3 curlews have been using the mere on and off over the past week as well.

Whooper swan numbers are rising again whilst they prepare to head back to Iceland with just over 600 on our most recent count. usual numbers of shelduck, pintail, wigeon, and teal are on the mere. Harrier hide remains the best place to see pochards, tufted duck and gadwall, although gadwall numbers have dropped off over the past couple of weeks.

A peregrine was hunting over the mere on the 23rd and marsh harriers, kestrels and buzzards are showing well over much of the reserve along with the barn owls best seen from UU and Ron Barker towards the end of the day.

All three egret species are still on the reserve at the moment with 2 cattle egrets and 2 great egrets seen most days and a number of little egrets spread over much of the reserve and the grounds.

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