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Latest Sightings

More and more waders are turning up on the reserve with 36 black-tailed godwits on the mere on Saturday. Oystercatcher numbers are rising with 99 birds at our highest count, spending much of their time on the back of the mere along with between 10 and 20 avocets most days. The back of the mere is also where the ruff are spending much of their time. Keeping with the theme of waders, Woodend marsh is still holding a few, with at least 2 ringed plovers present as of yesterday along with 1 dunlin and 2 redshanks that are often moving between the pool in front of harrier hide and Woodend. 2 snipe were seen from Gorden Taylor yesterday and a jacksnipe was flushed by a merlin, seen from Ron Barker hide!

Wildfowl numbers and variety are remaining more or less the same, whooper swan numbers on our most recent count have again been at around 600 birds, all congregating before they head back to Iceland. Discovery hide remains the best place to see shellducks, pintial, wigeon and whoopers, with Harrier hide being the best place for pochard and gadwall. Teal are in their largest numbers on Woodend marsh and Vinson's and Sunley's.

Tree sparrows are showing more frequently on the reserve recently with up to 4 being seen on the feeders at Reins and 2 on the feeders at Kingfisher hide. A willow tit was in the trees between Gladstone and Janet Kear hide on Friday and a siskin flew over harrier hide later that day.

Again, all three species of egret are currently using the reserve with 2 great whites, 2 cattle and a number of little egrets showing over much of the reserve

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