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Latest Sightings

The yellow browed warbler and siberian chiff chaffs have been seen at the sewage farm again.

We did our Wetland Bird Survey today, here are the results:

Wigeon 347

Gadwall 24

Teal 442

Mallard 804

Pintail 388

Shoveler 18

Pochard 15

Tufted duck 14

Shelduck 170

Greylag goose 129

Canada goose 185

Moorhen 75

Coot 56

Snipe 5

Lapwing 159

Black tailed godwit 52

Oystercatcher 67

Avocet 31

Little grebe 6

Cormorant 39

Grey heron 2

Little egret 12

Black headed gull 196

Lesser black backed gull 12

Great black backed gull 5

Whooper swan 115

Redshank 1

Ringed plover 2

Marsh harrier 3

Kingfisher 2

A pygmy shrew was found on the wetland grassland last week.

The flowers have been coming out as spring progresses. You can see scaly colts foot flowers on the reedbed, and the birght yellow of lesser celaldine on the wildwalk. Cherry and blackthorn are blooming near Discovery and Ron Barker.

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