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Latest Sightings

As spring migration progresses are swans and geese are heading off to their breeding grounds. 6 whooper swans were all that was on the mere during our count this morning, along with just 300 pink-footed geese on Vinson's and Sunley's. However, spring migrants are still trickling through, with our first 2 willow warblers of the year were heard singing near Harrier Hide yesterday. One was still present in Harrier Hide bowl this morning. We also had our first 2 little ringed plovers of the year yesterday, they flew in over the mere and landed on Woodend marsh.

Sticking with waders, a green sandpiper was seen multiple times from Ron Barker on the 2nd along with 35 curlew also seen from Ron Barker yesterday. Multiple groups of avocets are dotted around the reserve currently, some of which appear to be pairing up. 4 redshanks are seen often on both plover field and Woodend marsh and 2 ringed plovers were on Woodend on the 3rd.

Tree sparrows are being seen more and more on the reserve recently, visiting feeders at Reins, Kingfisher and Janet Kear. 2 Wheatears were on the fields behind Woodend marsh Yesterday evening and small groups of sand martins coming through most days. 4 were seen over the reedbed earlier today followed by another 2 over the mere.

Wildfowl are much quieter now that a lot of our wintering birds have left but there is still good numbers of shovelers, gadwall and teal on Woodend marsh along with small groups of pochards and tufted ducks in front of Harrier Hide.

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