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Latest Sightings

Spring migrants keep on coming with our first House martin of the year on the 12th, and first reed warbler was singing in the reedbed this morning. We've been having a good passage of wheatears over the past few days with 7 behind Woodend marsh on the 12th, with one looking good to be a Greenland wheatear. This was followed by a further 6 in the same spot yesterday. We have also had our first common sandpiper of the year, seen on Sunley's on the 9th.

A little ringed plover was also on Sunley's on the 9th and another flew over plover field yesterday evening. At least 4 redshanks are spending much of their time on Woodend marsh and 4 ruff joined them this morning. 40 black-tailed godwits and 16 avocets were on the back of the mere on the 11th.

Just a handful of whoopers and pink-footed geese are hanging around now, mainly injured birds, but plenty of shovelers can be seen at the back of the mere. there is also a few pochards from harrier hide along with teal and gadwall dotted around the site.

2 sedge warblers were singig in the reedbed this morning and willow warblers are best heard around Harrier hide bowl, cetti's warbler are becoming even more vocal and blackcaps are turning up over much of the reserve, particularly around kingfisher hide.

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