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Latest Sightings

Our first yellow wagtail of the year was found on the reserve on the 16th along with our first garganeys of the year, a male and female were present throughout the day, on the mere in the morning and seen later in the day from Ron Barker. 10 wheatears were recorded on the reserve today along with our first whimbrel, whitethroat and common tern of the year.

Reed and sedge warbler numbers are increasing in the reedbed with each day, as are the numbers of swallow and sand martins over much of the reserve. An unseasonal brambling was a bit of a surprise in the trees near United utilities hide.

The Harrier hide bowl is a great place to listen out for willow warblers and a pair of tree sparrows are often visiting Janet Kear quite regularly. Blackcaps are singing over much of the reserve now and a good place to see the is along Catty bank.

Redshanks, black-tailed godwits, ruff and oystercatchers are all showing well on the mere and Woodend marsh. A green sandpiper was on Woodend yesterday evening and as were 2 snipe.

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