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Latest Sightings

The reed bed is now alive with warblers. The first grasshopper warbler was heard yesterday and the sedge and reed warblers are growing in numbers. A whitethroat was seen near Gordon Taylor hide yesterday. Blackcaps have been heard along the nature trail.
The first cuckoo of the year was heard on the reedbed yesterday.
In gull news, there was a little gull on the mere yesterday. Two Mediterranean gulls were seen on the mere today and yesterday.

A common tern was seen from Discovery Hide today.

Tree sparrows can be heard chirping near Raines hide and feeding at Kingfisher hide.
Wheaters have been seen on our wetland grassland. There are plenty of hirundines all over the reserve now. The first swift of the year was seen today and the swallows are nesting in the eaves of the visitor centre.
Redshank, oystercatchers, dunlin and common sandpipers have been seen enjoying woodend marsh today. They are frequently joined by ringed plover and occasionally little ringed plover. The avocets can be seen on woodend marsh and nesting at the back of the mere.
The marsh harriers are starting to nest, with food passes being seen over outer vinsions and woodend marsh.
The cows have moved into Sunleys field now, and the cattle egrets have moved with them. You can also see our four new born calves in the herd, but mum may have hidden them in the grass.
More butterflies are coming out of hibernation as the weather warms. We’ve had our first orange tips and small whites joining the brimstones, peacocks and small tortoiseshells.

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