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Latest Sightings

2 Temminck's Stints now feeding on woodend marsh. From the 22nd May we've had 1 but today a second has turned up the best views are either from the Rees hide or the Tomlinson hide.

We have at least 1 Quail calling on the reserve and can be heard when you stand outside the Tomlinson hide towards Doehyles barn. The characteristic call of "wet-my-lips" as described in the Collins birdguide can be heard through-out the day.

The common tern numbers are building and this morning we counts 19 nests which is an increase on last year in 2020 we had 3 pairs, in 2021 we had 10 pairs, in 2022 we had 17 pairs. FIngers crossed we have another successful year with lots of chicks fledging.

We have 20 pairs of AVocets this year and the first few nests have hatched the chicks can be seen on Woodend Marsh and the Mere. Photo of a colour ringed avocet (we have submitted the sighting and awaiting a response) with a chick kindly taken by a WWT Member

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