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Latest Sightings

The quail have continued to be very vocal out in the fields throughout the day with 2 being heard regularly. They are calling from a field called twigbit which is about 600m from the Tomlinson hide which is the best place to hear them.

The bee orchids are out in full bloom at the harrier hide and looking stunning, we have put signs next to the flowers to help people find them. Photo above.

If you haven't been through the dragonfly walk which is between Gladstone and Janet Kear it's not to be missed. It's absolutely stunning and if you stand still too long the damselflies land on your arms!! There is hardly any grass and it's awash with colour and really shows what no mow may is all about.

Many Avocet chicks can be seen from the Rees and Tomlinson hide, loving all the exposed mud.

Today we've seen the first Black-tailed Skimmers on the reedbed walk and some Wall butterflies feeding on the fox and cubs (they look like red/orange dandelions) near the Ron Barker hide.

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