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Latest Sightings

We've had some great waders on the reserve over the past few days! 3 spotted redshanks turned up on Vinson's marsh last Thursday evening and now seem to be spread across the mere, Vinson's and Woodend marsh. A wood sandpiper was showing well on Woodend marsh earlier today along with a greenshank and a number of pairs of avocets with chicks.

Other highlights from this week include a quail that has been heard singing from Ron Barker hide and 2 grasshopper warblers have been singing, one near Tomlinson hide and one in Outer Vinson's. A hobby has been seen intermittently from Ron Barker and also over the Reedbed and a cuckoo has been calling most mornings for the past few days.

But there is even more exciting news still because two of our marsh harrier nests have now got chicks! The adults can be seen bringing in food from Ron Barker hide.

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