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Latest sightings

Another great day for waders at Martin Mere. Most days this week we've seen upto 10 species on wader on site. Todays highlights include

Ron Barker

Wood sandpiper
Glossy Ibis (showing well on Sunleys (right pool) in the flooded grassy edges)
Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Woodend Marsh (seen from UU, Gordon Taylor, Rees or Tomlinson)

Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper

This week a Small Heath butterfly has been seen by a visitor along the path to the Gordon Taylor hide, this is only the 2nd record for the site.

The Black-tailed skimmers have emerged in big numbers now and most bodies of water around the reserve and the grounds they can be seenflying around and ovipositing.

The first broods of swallows around the buildings have either fledged or have large chicks in the nests.

There are 12 avocet chicks on woodend marsh and they are all a good size which is great only 8 pairs nested inside our new predator proof fence this year hopefully the other pairs will see the good productivity and head over next summer.

Next week we are going to move the cows and split them into 3 fields so the cattle egrets maybe more mobile. Bruce the bull is going to join the breeding cows on Twig bit, Outer Vinsons and Owl Marsh, Velar the new bull is going to be joined by the heifers on Woodend Marsh and the non breeding herd is going the stay infront of Ron Barker to carry on the Rush control

We open the moth trap daily at 10:30 and its jam packed at the moment with over 50 species todays highlights included 16 Elephant hawkmoths, Eyed hawkmoths, Poplar hawkmoths, Large emerald, Small emerald, Straw dot, Uncertain, Smokey wainscot, Obscure wainscot, Mother of pearl and Barred straw

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