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Latest Sightings

The kingfisher has been showing well at Ron Barker hide, best seen from the downstairs to the left, catching fish. Here has also been a good place to spot marsh harrier and greenshank.

For those looking for other wader species this week, the best place is Gordon Taylor hide, where there have been 5 wood sandpiper, and little stint (which has been the first sighting for 2023), alongside large flocks of lapwing and snipe.

The cattle egrets have also been regularly frequenting the mere, red admirals have been spotted all around the site, and patches of devil's-bit scabious can be seen flowering around harrier hide, and in the fields towards the southwest of the reserve.

North West Bird Watching Festival

Join us on the 14 & 15 October for the annual North West Bird Watching Festival. Celebrate the thousands of migratory wild birds that visit the centre over the autumn and winter period. With well-known guest speakers such as Ben Osborne, Lucy Lapwing, and David Goulson, plenty of exhibitors, and a weekend full of birding activities, this is an event not to be missed.

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