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Latest Sightings

Pink-footed geese are still arriving in good numbers with large flocks feeding on the reserve. They can be seen from Ron Barker, feeding on Sunley's and Lord's Mere, or from United Utilities feeding on Plover field.

The recent heavy rain of late has meant that water levels across the reserve have been high so many of the waders have left the reserve at present. However large flocks of lapwing can still be seen on the mere and within the surrounding field.

Our reserve team have recently moved our longhorn cattle so that they are within view from United Utilities hide and in the field behind Tomlinson hide. This offers a good opportunity to see the cattle egrets amongst the herd as they feed on insects which the cattle kick up whilst feeding. If not around the cattle, the egrets can be seen sitting on the islands on the mere or sometimes they are right in front of the viewing screens at Discovery hide!

The last few chiffchaff and Cetti's warbler are still on site, though the frequency of calls heard has decreased within the last week as the birds head south for warm climates.

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