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Latest Sightings

A busy couple of days for raptors, with a male and female hen harrier spotted regularly from Ron Barker hide over the past week, and today. 2 female marsh harriers with wing tags have also been spotted, with ZZ ringed at Castle Marshes in Suffolk, and XH ringed in Hardley in Norfolk.

Another interesting spot has been a golden pheasant and jack snipe over towards the reedbed, as well as a large flock of fieldfare on a hawthorn bush to the right of Ron Barker hide. The kingfisher has also been frequenting Janet Kear hide, as well as its usual spots by Ron Barker.

The cattle egrets are still high in numbers, with sightings mostly on Plover Field or with the cattle.

The first redwings of Autumn have also been seen throughout the reserve.

In terms of other animals, Otter cubs were spotted today from Ron Barker hide, which is brilliant news (Photo: Mark Slobin).

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