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Latest Sightings

The last few days at Martin Mere have been a good one for raptors on the reserve. Six marsh harrier were seen all together circling over Vinson's from Ron Barker in addition to barn owl during the early morning and hen harrier. A female sparrowhawk was also seen close to Gordon Taylor hide hunting over Woodend Marsh and short-eared owl seen in the distance hunting over the wet grassland.

The swan feeds are a good time to see many of the duck species on the mere at the moment with 183 shelduck counted at the afternoon feed at Raines hide. The swan feeds are a good chance to also see wigeon, pintail and pochard up close as well as the whooper swans.

The reflection pool at the mere view hide (was called kingfisher hide) is great for photography and a wide variety of woodland birds are coming down to the feed close to the water.

We have moved the cattle to between Gordon Taylor hide and Tomlinson so they are really close to the track and they will be staying there all winter. The cattle egrets have followed them and are showing nicely on their backs. The maximum count this weekend was 18.

The snipe are still showing well next to the screens between discovery hide and janet kear. This weekend the maximum count was 35 and they are showing well for photographs.

Photo - pintail

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