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Latest Sightings

The temperature has dropped and the mere has looked stunning with the frost and ice on the water. 968 Whooper swans and 4360 Pink-footed geese roosting on site with most of the swans on the mere. 1 Bewick's swan roosted on the Mere over the weekend.

Today 2 Waxwings were photo graphed on Catty Bank between Gladstone hide and the Janet Kear hide. They were relocated in the grounds later on in the day. Hopefully they will find the berry hedge on the public footpath (outer reedbed walk) where we have lots of Gelder rose and Hawthorn.

The red-breasted goose is still on the Mere and showing well it loves the island infornt of the diocovery hide that has the bog oak (large log) on it. Thats always a good place to start scanning.

We have moved the cattle onto Woodend Marsh so they can muddy up the edges and tackle some of the rush. The cattle egrets have followed them and 16 today were riding on the back of the cattle looking for tasty morsels that they diturb in the marshes.

On the back of the reserve we also disturbed 1 Jack snipe and 1 Water Pipit while checking Velar the bull they both flew towards Plover field. Lots of snipe on the muddy edges (photo) 3 ruff and 25 Black-tailed godwits are coming to the grain at Discovery hide.

Today at Ron Barker a water rail was showing well along the sluice with 2 little grebes. 2 barn owls were hunting over the marshes at 3pm and 2 Great White Egrets also from Ron Barker slowly flying over the reserve.

It's very busy up at the sewage works with at least 7 chiffchaffs, 2 Siberian chiffchaffs, 10 long-tailed tits, Goldcrests and robins.

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