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Latest Sightings

The mere looks absolutely stunning this winter, with frost and snow covering the site! The beautiful views from Ron Barker hide have been improved by a hen harrier sighting, along with the barn owl that can usually be seen from 3pm. 19 cattle egrets have also been seen with our cows at their new home of Woodend Marsh.

Here are the results of our most recent WeBS count:

Wigeon 373, Gadwall 13, Teal 398, Mallard 870, Pintail 349, Shoveler 18, Pochard 15, Tufted Duck 58, Mute Swan 1, Whooper Swan 486, Shelduck 322, Greylag Goose 285, Canada Goose 51, Pink-footed goose 4527, Moorhen 86, Coot 269, Snipe 10, Lapwing 669, Ruff 16, Black-tailed Godwit 54, Little grebe 4, Cormorant 5, Grey Heron 2, Little Egret 6, Cattle Egret 16, Great White Egret 2, Black-headed gull 156, Great black-backed gull 2, Kestrel 1, Marsh Harrier 3, Red-breasted Goose 1, Water Rail 2, Bewick Swan 1, Mandarin 2, Jack Snipe 1, Barnacle Goose 1, Water pipit 1

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