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Latest Sightings

Spring is definately here this week with the sun shining and Chiffchaffs singing everywhere on the site. Along the nature trail Primroses are in flower, Dogs mercury, Lesser celendines and wild daffodils. There are several Scarlet elf cup fungi on the way down to the Janet Kear hide and we have popped a sign next to them so they are easier to see.

On the Mere from the discovery hide you can still see plenty of our winter visitors we have a few hundred swans still with us and pink-footed geese. On the water there is still a few pintail, wigeon and shelduck. We have over 200 Black-tailed godwits on site sometimes they are on the island in fornt of the bird observatory or fighting in front of the discovery hide but alot of the time they are at the back of the mere with the ruff, oystercatchers and avocets so binoculars or a scope is needed.

The lapwing on Plover field are starting to nest scrape and we have several pairs across the site. Plenty of Avocets on Woodend marsh along with lots of teal, shoveler and wigeon. On the way to the Tomlinson hide look out for the stone chats they are often sat on the fence posts and the male is starting to sing.

In the grounds by the Canoe safari the Great-spotted woodpecker has been seen nest building and can often be heard shout his loud "chip" call. Fingers crossed we'll have nesting sparrowhawks again on the canoe safari. Listen out in the canoe safari area for the Mistle Thrush he is singing continuously and it is a stunning song.

At Ron Barker we have have our herd of English longhorn cattle which are often followed by upto 17 Cattle egrets. The Great white egret are often seen floating across the marshes. This morning we heard a bittern booming at Ron Barker and then it flew from Sunleys onto Vincents Marsh. The kingfishers are showing daily from all of the perches.

At Janet Kear hide the feeders are still very busy with Great-spotted woodpecker, Reed buntings, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Chaffinches, Blue tits, Great tits, Robin, Blackbirds, Dunnocks and the occassional Siskin.

Image - Great-spotted woodpecker

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