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Latest Sightings

The main highlight over the weekend has been the arrival of garganey on site. A pair was sighted at Ron Barker on Thursday as well as one of our reserve team spotting another pair on Doehyles on the same day. A male has also been seen on Tuesday again from Ron Barker so if you want to see garganey, Ron Barker is the best option.

Another recent summer arrival is hobby. An individual has been seen over a couple of days from United Utilities over Woodend Marsh, over the mere and from Ron Barker hide. Hobby like to feed on dragonflies so look for them low down darting along the ditches and around the ponds on site.

Other highlights include cuckoo calling in the reedbed, little ringed plover, whimbrel and green-winged teal on Woodend Marsh, whinchat at Rees hide and the ever reliable kingfisher at Ron Barker.

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