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Latest Sightings

This weeks warm weather has allowed us to perform surveys on the various birds across site, including our monthly Wetland Bird Survey!

Other highlights of the weekend include a bittern, which was heard booming on Saturday, and flying over the Reedbed Walk on Monday. A hobby was seen from United Utilities hide on Sunday, and a cuckoo was heard in the reedbed and then behind Ron Barker.

Several broods of stonechat have also fledged so keep a lookout for them around Woodend Marsh. The tawny owl that lives on the nature trail on the way to Ron Barker has been also showing well over the weekend, allowing visitors to get some excellent photographs. The moth trap has also been performing well, with highlights including lime, eyed, and poplar hawk moths.

Here are the results of WeBS:

Wigeon 1

Gadwall 16

Teal 1

Mallard 372

Pintail 2

Shoveller 14

Pochard 9

Tufted Duck 32

Mute Swan 2

Whooper Swan 3

Shelduck 129

Greylag Goose 88

Canada Goose 108

Pink-footed Goose 1

Moorhen 70

Coot 53

Lapwing 2

Oystercatcher 7

Avocet 68

Little Grebe 1

Great Crested Grebe 2

Grey Heron 2

Cattle Egret 5

Black-headed Gull 578

Lesser black-backed Gull 2

Med Gull 2

Common Tern 2

Bittern 1

Photo: Tawny Owl - Kevin Livesey

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