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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week in the reserve, with highlights from across the different bird groups.

Hobby activity has been increasing, with sightings most days this week, as they swoop and dive catching dragonflies over the waterbodies. In terms of owls, the barn owl has been showing well, with a clear sighting on Friday, as well as the tawny owl showing on the trees by the path to Ron Barker hide. A short-eared owl was also seen on the fence posts by Tomlinson Hide on Friday.

It has also been an interesting week for passerines, with the Janet Kear feeders buzzing with greenfinches and goldfinches. A siskin was also spotted here on Friday, as well as a jay. Excitingly, a spotted flycatcher was seen by the sewage works on Tuesday. This bird overwinters in Africa, and as the name suggests the bulk of its diet is made up of flying insects.

Waders have had an especially lively week, with Woodend Marsh and Rees hide seeming to be the hub of activity. A pair of little ringed plover have been seen on and off over the week, as well as a pair of ringed plover on Tuesday. This is also where a pair of redshank and their chicks were seen, as well as some recently fledged lapwing chicks. Also seen here on Monday and Tuesday was the wood sandpiper! Woodend Marsh continues to be the best place to see the avocets and their chicks, with Tomlinson hide offering the best views.

In other bird news, the kingfishers have been showing well at Ron Barker, with a pair seen there on Saturday, a garganey male was also seen on Saturday from Tomlinson hide, and the bittern has continued booming in the reedbed this week.

(image: Lapwing)

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