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Latest Sightings

It looks like we are going to have some nice weather this week and hope to see more Butterflies and Dragonflies appearing.

A Bittern has been seen 2 days running flying from the Ron Barker Hide to the reedbed. Also on the path to the Ron Barker Hide a Barn Owl and a Tawny Owl have been spotted in the trees. On the subject of Barn Owls they have been seen catching food for their chicks at Harrier Hide too.

At Rees Hide and Gordon Taylor Hide there has been a few sightings of Green Sandpiper, with a Stonechat seen from Tomlinson Hide.

Cattle Egrets are often visible following our English Longhorn Cattle. The Kingfishers are still showing but not as often from Ron Barker hide too.

A female Garganey has been seen at Doehyles but this is a difficult area to see.

The Mere has seen many Black-headed gull chicks fledging with up to 7 Mediteranean Gulls spotted and some Avocets at the back of the mere.

It is great to see some birdwatchers calling in to the bird Observatory to let us know of any other sightings.

Image - Green Sandpiper (Photo credit: Charlie Lowe)

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