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Latest Sightings

A barn owl has been seen hunting quite a lot this week, mainly over woodend marsh to bring back to its nest in Harrier Hide. 2 juvenile cuckoos were spotted recently; one at Ron Barker hide and the other on the outer reedbed walk, which is also where a grasshopper warbler has been heard reeling. Along the nature trail lots of song thrushes, robins, blackbirds, and wrens can be heard singing, and the robins in particular tend to perch very close to the path.

6 little ringed plovers, 1 common sandpiper, a hobby, and a juvenile marsh harrier have all been seen at Ron Barker hide, which remains the best place to spot a bittern, though it was seen today from Janet Kear hide before we opened and at Gordon Taylor hide later in the morning. Also at Gordon Taylor hide a wood sandpiper, 4 green sandpipers, and 2 common sandpipers can be seen.

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