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Latest Sightings

It's been another soggy week out on the reserve, but this hasn't put the birds off! As the breeding season draws to a close, there have been a number of migrating birds passing through on their way to their wintering grounds.

In terms of waders, there have been sightings of green sandpiper from Ron Barker, Raines and Tomlinson hide, as they make their way back to the coast. The black-tailed godwits are back, with 78 seen today from Ron Barker, and although a few might continue their journey south, we can expect a large number to remain until next summer. 4 Ruff have also been seen today from Ron Barker, having arrived back from Scandinavia for the winter, along with 2 little ringed plover, common sandpiper, and a greenshank, which will be making their way back to Africa for the winter. Avocets continue to be a regular sight, with strongholds in Woodend marsh. For the warblers, sedge warbler and grasshopper warbler have been heard from Woodend marsh.

Not a migratory species, but exciting nonetheless was an appearance of a spoonbill, seen from Ron Barker hide on Monday! Due to the poor nightly weather, the barn owl has been seen more frequently hunting during the daytime, especially over Woodend Marsh. Another large predatory species, the marsh harrier, has been seen along with 2 juveniles, which can be distinguished from the adults by their extremely dark plumage.

Photo - Avocets and Marsh Harrier

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