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Latest Sightings

It is a mixed bag at Martin Mere with birds coming and going. On the mere there are only 2 avocet left, one being a juvenile with the parent ferociously defending it still. It's almost ready to fledge so they won't be around much longer! The reserve team has dropped the water levels on the mere to expose a large expanse of mud which is attracting large flocks of lapwing and black-tailed godwit and look out for dunlin, ruff, green sandpiper and redshank amongst the flocks.

The English longhorn cattle have now been moved onto Sunley's meaning the cattle egret can be seen relatively close up to Ron Barker depending where the cattle are. Other highlights at Ron Barker include juvenile marsh harriers and kingfisher in its regular at the pool left of the hide.

Our reserve team completed their monthly WeBS count on Monday and here at the results:

Wigeon 2
Gadwall 65
Teal 47
Mallard 577
Shoveler 24
Pochard 10
Tufted Duck 5
Mute Swan 4
Whooper Swan 6
Shelduck 25
Greylag Goose 59
Canada Goose 105
Pink-footed goose 5
Moorhen 128
Coot 114
Dunlin 1
Snipe 3
Lapwing 523
Ruff 2
Black-tailed Godwit 41
Oystercatcher 2
Avocet 3
Green Sandpiper 1
Redshank 1
Little grebe 6
Great crested grebe 5
Cormorant 15
Grey Heron 3
Little Egret 1
Cattle Egret 16
Black-headed gull 189
Lesser black-backed gull 2
Common Tern 6
Kingfisher 2
Marsh harrier 6
Bittern 1

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