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Latest Sightings

After all the rain we have had it finally feels like summer at Martin Mere! The newly exposed mud at the back of the mere is still proving productive for waders with a large variety of species seen. The species list so far is lapwing, black-tailed godwit, avocet, green sandpiper, common sandpiper, redshank, dunlin, ruff, oystercatcher and ringed plover. The mud on Woodend Marsh and at Ron Barker hide is also proving good for waders as well. Elsewhere on site we now have 7 juvenile marsh harriers across the site. This includes the 4 juveniles that have fledged from the nests in Vinson's reedbed near Ron Barker and 3 that have fledged this week from a nest on the far side of the reserve at Doehyles. They are very active at the moment with the adults doing food passes on a regular basis. The reserves English longhorn cattle have been on the move again with the large herd now in the fields nearest to Ron Barker hide which is a good place to see cattle egret. Our other herd is now near to Woodend Marsh so there is a good chance to see cattle egret here too. A count earlier in the week saw 11 egrets with the large herd and 6 egrets on the mere so our numbers are hovering 16-20 individuals. Look out for the kestrel chicks near Long Meadow barn as well between Gordon Taylor and Tomlinson. A pair has nested behind the barn owl box in the barn and they are nearly ready to fledge so do look out for them in the coming days as well as the adult visiting regularly to bring in food.

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