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Latest Sightings

We've had a busy, sunny weekend followed by a rainy Monday morning, and it should be warm weather this week.

On Friday, 17 Pink Footed Geese were seen from Gordon Taylor hide, and 2 Curlew Sandpipers were seen from Rees hide.

A Red Kite was spotted flying over the reedbed walk on Saturday. At the Rees hide, there were 2 Green Sandpipers, 3 Wigeons, 2 juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, 5 Ruff, 1 Shoveler and 20 Black Tailed Godwit. Also seen on the Mere was 2 Snipe, 10 Cormorants, 1 Teal and 1 Little Egret.

Today, seen from Ron Barker hide, we have counted 29 Cattle Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Marsh Harrier, a large number of Lapwings and Coots.

At the Discovery Hide, there has been Snipe, Great Egret and Ruff.

Photograph of a Wigeon.

North West Bird Watching Festival

Join us for a wildlife-filled weekend a this year's North West Bird Watching Festival.
There are guest speakers, exhibitors, workshops, bird ringing demonstrations and more!

19th & 20th October, find out more.

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