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Latest sightings

On top of our impressive number of Pink Footed Geese (7882) we're seeing increasing numbers of other migratory species. Seven Pintails have arrived early and been spotted from the Gorden Taylor Hide. Their numbers will continue to increase over the next couple of weeks as they begin to migrate. 30 Teal have also been seen from Gordon Taylor, as well as, Ron Barker. The latter provides an excellent place to spot Kingfishers and Cattle Egrets (29) which can often be seen amongst our herd of English Longhorn Cattle.

While on the main mere there have been sightings of Shovelers (8), Great White Egret (1), Marsh Harrier (1), Snipe (6) and a Common Sandpiper. Be sure to take a walk on our nature trail and stop at Rees Hide, a Bittern was spotted there just this morning!

Photo of a male Pintail.

North West Bird Watching Festival

Join us for a wildlife-filled weekend at this year's North West Bird Watching Festival. There are guest speakers, exhibitors, workshops, bird ringing demonstrations and more! 19 & 20 October, find out more.

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