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Latest Sightings

The chilly weather has transformed Martin Mere into a winter wonderland and the Whooper Swans look beautiful in the white snow.

38 Whooper Swans are on the Mere today, as well as 3 Mute Swans, although more may arrive for the daily 3pm Swan Feed.

We are now taking bookings for Floodlit Swans evening events.

The Pink-Footed Geese are present in good numbers, with almost 10,000 counted during the most recent survey. The Whooper Swan and Pink-Footed Geese are both migratory waterfowl from Iceland and Greenland.

150 Coot are present on the Mere, as well as Shelduck, Pintail, Pochard, Tufted Ducks, Wigeon, Mallard, Lapwings and Cormorants.

There has been a good number of wading birds on the Mere, including 11 Black-Tailed Godwit, 16 Snipe, and 20 Ruff. One of the Ruff may be a satellite or subordinate male as it has more white plumage than other Ruff.

There are also 2 Jackdaws in front of Discovery Hide. They are corvids with bright blue eyes and they nest in cavities.

1 Grey Heron was observed on the Mere today and yesterday. 1 Buzzard is currently on the Mere, and 2 were seen hunting over the reedbeds yesterday.

On Tuesday, a Barn Owl was spotted from Tomlinson hide.

Photograph of a Jackdaw.

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