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Latest Sightings

On the run up to Christmas, Martin Mere is the perfect day out for the family.

There is plenty to do, such as birdwatching from the comfort of our hides, exploring a wide range of striking birds in our diverse collection, visiting the Asian Short-Clawed Otters, enjoying warm food and drinks at the café, and various outdoor play equipment.

Come and see our wild winter visitors, such as Whooper Swans, Wigeon, Pintail, Ruff, Black-Tailed Godwit, and Pochard, up close every day from the Discovery hide during our 3pm Wild Bird Feed.

The Pink-Footed Geese migrated here from Iceland in Autumn and will be present on the reserve until the spring. So far, the highest count is ~10,000.

On the mere today, 7 juvenile Mute Swans can be seen swimming together in a small group.

Snipe are showing from the viewing platforms which overlook the main mere.

Also, on the mere; numerous Cormorants, Shelduck, Coot, Moorhen, Greylag Geese, Mallards, Lapwings, Shovelers, Tufted Ducks.

At Ron Barker hide, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Great White Egret, and 1 Little Grebe were observed today.

You can view songbirds on the feeders at Janet Kear and on the nature trail near Raines Observatory. There have been 2 Collared Doves sighted today.

In the late afternoon yesterday, 1 Barn Owl was spotted near Tomlinson hide.

Photograph of a Barn Owl.

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