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Latest Sightings

This morning, we carried out the monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) to monitor internationally important species. The survey includes all water birds observed, but not all species at Martin Mere.

There were hundreds of Whooper Swans counted on the mere, and you can see them up close every day during our 3pm Wild Bird Feed, alongside Pintail, Wigeon, Ruff, Pochard, Shelducks, and Black-Tailed Godwits.

We typically see the Pink-Footed Geese flying onto Plover field, the back of the mere, in the afternoon. The cold weather has caused the waterbodies at Woodend Marsh (Gordon Taylor hide) and Ron Barker hide to freeze over, so fewer were visible during counts. Approximately 5000 Pink-Footed Geese were seen just last week, and the highest count this winter so far is around 10,000.

Over the weekend, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 10 Long-Tailed Tits, 1 Redwing, 1 Treecreeper and 1 Brambling were observed at Janet Kear hide.

1 Barn Owl, 1 Buzzard, 1 Raven and 2 Marsh Harrier were spotted flying over the mere.

1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Hen Harrier, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Reed Bunting, 3 Water Rail, 2 Bullfinch, Greenfinch and 1 Kingfisher were seen from Ron Barker hide.

There have been 2 Roe Deer bounding around in Woodend Marsh today.

WeBS Count:

Black-Tailed Godwit 26 Pink-Footed Goose 511
Coot 356Ruff 39
Goldeneye 1Snipe 2
Greylag Goose 534Whooper Swan 745
Mallard 1569 Cattle Egret 6
Oystercatcher 2
Gadwall 20
Pochard 14Grey Heron 2
Shoveler 50Little Grebe 2
Tufted Duck 14Mute Swan 7
Canada Goose 2Pintail 515
Cormorant 2Shelduck 401
Great White Egret 1Teal 20
Lapwing 165 Wigeon 203
Moorhen 133Greater Black-Backed Gull 2
Black-Headed Gull 272

Photograph of Black-Tailed Godwits.

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