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Latest Sightings

The dawn count today tallied 417 Whooper Swans and 1656 Pink-Footed Geese. We may possibly see an influx of these overwintering birds in coming weeks, as they stop off here for a final feed before making the long flight back to Iceland.

Come and catch a glimpse of the Pink-Footed Geese before they leave, and see the magnificent Whooper Swans up close from the Discovery Hide every day. We feed them at 3pm and talk to you about their amazing migration journey.

You will also see Wigeon, Pintail, Shelduck, Pochard, Mallards, Tufted Ducks, Coot, Mute Swans, Black-Tailed Godwits, Ruff and Lapwing on the Mere.

1 Little Egret, 50 Oystercatcher, 23 Cormorants and 1 Dunlin were seen on the Mere today.

Gadwall were observed at Janet Kear hide, where you can watch songbirds on the feeders.

The warm weather on Saturday attracted 23 Avocet, seen on the Mere. With Springtime just around the corner, the Avocet should be arriving soon in higher numbers to breed.

8 Cattle Egret were counted around the English Longhorn cattle in Longmeadow, on the stone path to Tomlinson hide. Our grazing herd are due some additional members in the next few months.

1 Tundra Bean Goose was observed from Ron Barker hide, along with the Pink-Footed, Greylag and Canada Geese.

1 Red Kite and an Otter was also spotted from Ron Barker hide.

Photograph of a Dunlin.

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