Latest Sightings

The Teal Pond Hide update - The roof is now on and windows cut! We are in the process of treating the wood and will then start on the entrance ramp and screens. It will be open soon, thank you for your patience.

Whooper Pond

Mute Swan 1

Mallard 97

Tufted Duck 1

Moorhen 9

House Martins

Sand Martins


Folly Pond

Teal 19

Mallard 40

Pied Wagtails


Sand Martins

House Martins

Corner Field

Canada Geese 70

Mallard 50

Teal 30

Avenue Tower

Greylag Geese 150

Linnet 80+

Goldfinch 30+

Saltcot Merse

Lapwing 20+

Starling 500+



Meadow Pipits


Sedge Warbler

Willow Warbler


Tree Sparrow

Song Thrush


Long-tailed Tit

Summer Walk

Red Admiral Butterflies

Small Tortoiseshell Butterflies

Ringlet Butterflies

Meadow Brown Butterflies

Common Blue Damselflies

Blue Tailed Damselflies

Large Red Damselflies

Four-spotted Chaser Dragonflies

Common Darter Dragonflies

Brown Hare

Roe Deer

Otter Tracks

Osprey & Badger Cam

Now that our Ospreys have fledged, we are no longer showing live footage of an empty nest, and the badger webcam will be running again once the evenings are darker.

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