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Latest Sightings

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Click on Map for larger view

The above map is a little experiment which will be 'officially' sanctioned and 'font-ed'  in the forth coming weeks. As usual if you are visiting the reserve and want to know what's about and where to see it just call in at the in focus shop which over looks the Mere and we can tell you the best current spots. Likewise if you find something!

Temminck's Stint again on Woodend Marsh from the United Utilities Hide. Also on site 2+ Little Ringed Plover, 5 Ringed Plover, Sanderling, Dunlin, 4 Redshank, a few Lapwing, Oystercatchers and 2 Common Tern.

Although mostly distant the Temminck's Stint can give good scope views.
Although mostly too distant to photograph well the Temminck's Stint can give good scope views.

A female Marsh Harrier seen from the Ron Barker Hide was the first for a few weeks.

Little Gull 1st summer on the Mere late afternoon.

A tired looking 1st summer Kittiwake found itself blown inland this morning and spent some time on Vinson's Marsh early on. Very much a coastal species and not annually recorded, it is the first record of the year bringing the reserve year list onto 139.

Kittiwake taking a rest
Kittiwake taking a rest

Kittiwake on Vinson's Marsh this morning
Kittiwake on Vinson's Marsh this morning

Predictions for the next week... Red-necked Phalarope....


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