Latest Sightings

A lovely summers day but of course slightly hazy visibility as a result! Honestly it's not a complaint and the Comma, Meadow Brown and Red Admiral butterflies out on the wing seemed happy enough.

Four Dunlin were new arrivals. At this time of year all the non breeding waders that turn up will be adults. Other wade counts included 200+ Lapwing, 150+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Avocet, 10 Oystercatcher, 5 Redshank, 4+ Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ruff, Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper.

Ruff moulting out of breeding plumage

Green Sandpiper from the UU Hide

The first Marsh Harrier for many weeks spent some time hunting around the reserve and got dive bombed by Avocets and Common Terns for it's trouble. The bird was a rather tatty immature/female type. At least 4 Kestrel including a recently fledge juvenile, 3 Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk.

At least 6 Common Tern present including a recently fledged juvenile (not fron here).

Juvenile Common Tern on the Mere

Juvenile Pied Wagtail feeding on the Mere. Two Great-crested Grebe and at least 3 Little Grebe from the Harrier Hide, also 2 Little Egret there. Corn Bunting singing on territories just off the reserve.

Call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide to report any sighting.


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