Latest Sightings

With some crisp clear days ahead and light winds it's got to be one of the best times to experience the winter spectacle at Martin Mere. As of late the build up of wildfowl on the reserve continues and more raptors have also been present. In the past two days we have had 3 Peregrine (ad fem, imm fem and imm male). Merlin, 6+ Marsh Harrier, 5 Buzzard, 3 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Adult female Peregrine new in today.

At least 14 species of wildfowl present; 6000+ Pink-footed Geese, 1000+ Whooper Swan, 3000+ Teal, 1000+ Mallard, 700+ Wigeon, 600+ Shelduck, 200+ Pintail, 500+ Greylag, 80+ Shoveler, 60+ Gadwall, 20+ Tufted Duck, 20 Canada Geese, 10 Pochard and 4 Goldeneye.

The large counts of Pink-foot and Whooper are roosting on the reserve although good numbers can come in from midday onward. Keep an eye out for the Green-winged Teal that was found at the weekend and check through the Pink-footed Geese for Bean, White-front and Barnacle which have been present in the area in the last few weeks.

Drake Goldeneye newly arrived

Waders included 800+ Lapwing, 80+ Ruff, 20 Snipe, 10 Black-tailed Godwit and Dunlin.

Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide. At least 4 Stonechat on the fence tops on Plover Field and beyond also Skylarks and the occasional Meadow Pipit feeding there too. Nice to see some small flocks of Fieldfare moving through the reserve today.

Chiffchaff still present, Goldcrests along the Nature Trail, Coal Tits visiting the feeders. Great-spotted Woodpecker from the Janet Kear Hide. Cetti's Warbler (3+) calling and occasionally seen on the Reed Bed Walk. Other site specialties include 30+ Tree Sparrow and many Stock Dove.

Still at least 10,000 Starling coming into roost from 3.45pm onward.

Action packed in front of the Discovery Hide at the 3pm feed.

It is possible to see 60-70+ species of wild bird on the reserve at present. If you have seen anything interesting or would like to know where the best spots are, please call in at the in focus shop next the the Discovery Hide.

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