Latest Sightings

A little more overcast today making viewing over the reserve easier.

More signs of breeding activity with at least 17 Avocet chick out on Woodend Marsh with more birds sitting around the reserve. Other waders; c.100 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Little Ringed Plover, 4+ Redshank, 4+ Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover, 3 Ruff inc male in breeding plumage and 20+ Lapwing.

Black-headed Gull pairs are doing well with some excellent views on the Mere at the moment. Keep an eye out for marauding Lesser black-backed Gulls attempting to swoop in!

Black-headed Gull doing well on the Mere.

Great-crested Grebe chicks have just hatched. Two chicks have been seen on the back of one of the adults from the Harrier Hide.

The inner Reed Bed Walk is now open accessed from under the Harrier Hide. Some excellent views of Reed Bunting, Sedge and Reed Warbler to be had as well as dragonflies and butterflies. Banded Demoiselle have emerged in the past few days with 50+ on the brook running down from the Sewage works into the reserve.

New path on the bank top over looks both Woodend Marsh and the Reed Bed.

Cuckoos again this morning on the outer Reed Bed walk and from the United Utilities Hide and Barn Owl.

Common Blue and Wall Brown Butterflies near the Ron Barker Hide.

Brown Hares and Roe Deer seen today.



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