Latest Sightings

Very mild, wet and windy to cool, clear and calm in the space of the weekend. No wildfowl counts but 10,000+ Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve. We can expect further influxes during the week.

Small numbers of Whooper Swan around, with new birds arriving showing peat stained heads. The staining gradually fades after there arrival in the UK.

New arrivals

The Mere is packed with wildfowl including 1000+ Mallard. Plenty of Teal over the reserve, Wigeon, Pintail, Gadwall, Shoveler, Shelduck, Pochard and Tufted Duck all represented.

Wildfowl action

The usual waders with 300+ Lapwing, 17 Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit and many Snipe.

At least 5 Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 6+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

A few Song Thrush seen that might be migrant birds.

Check out a few days of the previous sighting to get a fuller picture as to what can be seen on the reserve.

An interesting phenomenon late afternoon with thousands of 'ballooning' or 'kiting' spiders releasing long threads of web so they can travel through the air.

Just a few hours later...

It should be possible to see over 60 species in a full days bird watching at Martin Mere. If you would like to know the best spots, up to date info or to report any sightings then please call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.


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