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Latest Sightings

Calm but cool and overcast today.

No specific counts but we can approximate wildfowl numbers as follows: 600+ Whooper Swan roosting with smaller numbers in during the day. Over 3000 Pink-footed Geese roosting. Locally an adult Greenland White-fronted Goose has been seen.

At least 600 feral Greylag, 1500+ Mallard, 1500+ Teal (keep an eye out for the drake Green-winged Teal), 300+ Wigeon, 200+ Shelduck, 100+ Pintail, 60+ Shoveler, 30+ Pochard, 20+ Tufted, 10+ Gadwall and a female Goldeneye.

On the wader front at least 700 Lapwing, 40+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit and 20+ Snipe. All of these species can show very well just in front of the Discovery Hide.

Lapwing taking evasive action in an end of day Peregrine encounter

Good for raptors with 7 Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 5+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Barn Owl late on and Raven.

No sight or sound from the recently arrived Bearded Reedling since Saturday. Have they continued their 'eruptive' journey? Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler calling out on the Reed Bed.

Other sightings have included Fieldfare and Redwing on Long Hedge beyond the Sewage Works.

A few more Coal Tit visiting the feeders. A few Pied Wagtail and Grey Wagtail present on site. Plenty of Tree Sparrow, one or two Little Egret, a few Stonechat out on the reserve fence lines, 50+ Stock Dove and a couple of Collared Dove.

Med Gull, still retaining some of it's dark hood.

Over 1000 Black-headed Gull coming in during the day. A moulting adult Mediterranean Gull was present again today.  Two adult Great Black-backed Gull menacingly hanging around the Mere today. Small numbers of Common, Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gull too.

Keep and eye out for a 'Curlew Jackdaw'! A very long billed individual was seen yesterday in the Jackdaw flock around the Mere. Do you have a picture of it?

Sunset over the Mere (Andy Bunting)

Don’t forget the North West Birdwatching Festival is coming on the 24-25th November. Lots going on and entrance is free to members. (Link below)

Check out a few days of the previous sighting to get a fuller picture as to what can be seen on the reserve.

It should be possible to see over 60 species in a full days bird watching at Martin Mere. If you would like to know the best spots, up to date info or to report any sightings then please call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.

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