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Latest Sightings

A brief report of today's sightings.

A count of 110 Avocet is very close to a record high at Martin Mere. Still early days as more birds continue to arrive. Also today 23 Black-tailed Godwit, 40+ Ruff (including a male developing early breeding plumage), 600+ Lapwing, Curlw and yesterday the first Ringed Plover of the year.

Bearded Reedling were heard from the bank between the Utilities Hide and the Sewage Works.

A Great Egret flew in early afternoon.

Raptors included Marsh Harrier, 4 Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Chiffchaff singing again near the Sewage Works. Cetti's Warbler calling on the Reed Bed Walk.

Some great views of small numbers of Pink-footed Geese on Top Mere feeding on some recently delivered waste potatoes.

Again c.40 Fieldfare along the perimeter fence.

At leaast one Med Gull, check any Black-headed Gull!

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