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Latest Sightings

Very pleasant again in light winds. Perfect conditions for breeding birds on the reserve.

Four Greenshank on Woodend Marsh early afternoon. Around 30 Black-tailed Godwit also new in there.

Dunlin numbers on Woodend Marsh have dropped back to 17 this morning, unless some were hiding out of the way. Four Ringed Plover there, 12 Avocet, 2 Little Ringed Plover.

Some great views of Common Sandpiper (featured image) to be had from the viewing screens on the Mere. Four Common Tern on the Mere including a nesting pair.

Three Cuckoo out on the Reed Bed.

At least one Marsh Harrier, 2+ Buzzard and Kestrel today.

Corn Buntings singing on territory around the perimeter path on Langley's Field. Many Skylarks active around the reserve.

Four Yellow Wagtail on Curlew Lane.

Wall Butterfly (Lasiommata megera) are on the wing. The area near the Harrier Hide is good for this species. Broad-bodied Chaser on the wing today.

See previous days for a fuller picture as to what can be seen on and around the reserve. It is currently possible to see over 80 species in a day.

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