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Latest Sightings

A fairly quiet few days, but hopefully the somewhat less settled weather on it's way will drop in a few different birds over the next day or two.

The first of the Black-headed Gull chicks have now started hatching on the Mere - the Discovery hide is ideal for watching these, joining Shelduck and Mallard chicks which are already out and about.

Waders including Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwits (30+), Ringed Plover and Dunlin are best seen from the United Utilities hide, with Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper usually best seen on the Mere.

The Reedbed Walk is particularly good at the moment, where both Cetti's and Grasshopper Warblers were photographed by visitors today, and Cuckoos (at least 3 different birds) continue to show well. Kingfisher and Little Egret were also seen today from the Harrier hide overlooking the reedbed.

2 different Marsh Harriers were seen today, as were several Common Buzzards.


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