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Latest Sightings

Worst things to do currently than getting out for a bit of fresh air and go birding. Signs of spring all over and a reasonable forecast for the week ahead. A compilation of sightings from the past few days.

The Tundra Bean Goose (below) showing well today along the back of the Mere. Great to see it looking perky and it's right wing doesn't appear to be causing it much distress. Only time will tell if it is strong enough to start it's journey east in the coming weeks.

A good count of Black-tailed Godwit with ~270 birds present today. Also 76 Avocet, 32 Oystercatcher, 40+ Ruff, 120 Lapwing and 15 Curlew.

Three Great White Egret present and 6+ Little Egret.

A pair of Great-crested Grebe from the Harrier Hide. Cetti's Warbler(s) and Water Rail calling on the Reed Bed. Chiffchaff singing by the Sewage Works.

Goldcrest singing near the Kingfisher Hide. Pair of Bullfinch on the Nature Trail.

Willow Tit again from the Janet Kear Hide.

Three Marsh Harrier including a recently arrived individual. Counts of Buzzard can go into double figures scanning the near by woods.

As some of you may know the sightings page has been compiled by Andy, Tony and Bernie who work for in focus. As in focus are leaving for pastures new at the end of this month, so this will be the very last one that we do.

It's been a great pleasure to speak with so many birders over the last 21 years and we have enjoyed putting these mini blogs together. The sighting page will live on and will be ably compiled by the reserve staff.

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