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Latest sightings

Many more migrants have arrived over the weekend including whitethroats, yellow wagtails and sedge warblers.

Lots of butterflies on the reserve, today we saw peacocks, small tortoiseshells, brimstones, orange tips and large whites.

There is lots of mud on woodend marsh which is attracting a good number of waders, today ringed plovers, little ringed plovers, dunlin, ruff, redshank, lapwing, oystercatcher, snipe and avocets.

The marsh harriers are soaring over the site (upto 3 at once), 3 buzzards and a kestrel.

The grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.

Todays WeBS count

Species Total
Shelduck 143
Wigeon 7
Gadwall 30
Teal 62
Mallard 241
Pintail 2
Shoveler 82
Pochard 9
Tufted Duck 15
Whooper swan 11
Mute swan 5
Pink-footed goose 2
Greylag Goose 65
Canada Goose 73
Moorhen 68
Coot 28
Lapwing 82
Ruff 1
Black-tailed Godwit 6
Oystercatcher 7
Avocet 18
Lapwing 1
Ruff 1
Black-tailed Godwit 2
Oystercatcher 1
Snipe 12
Little grebe 2
Great crested grebe 2
Cormorant 6
Grey Heron 4
Little Egret 2
Black-headed gull 1259
Lesser black-backed gull 2
Great black-backed gull 2
Great-crested grebe 2
Kingfisher 2
Crow 18
Marsh harrier 3
Buzzard 3
Kestrel 1
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