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Warblers galore

We have had some very sunny and calm days which has been great for our warblers, the reed and sedge warbler males have been singing loudly in the reedbed, in some areas the territories are very close together as they compete against each other.

The great-crested grebe chicks have hatched and they are riding around on their parents backs on the reedbed (stockphoto)

The first few broods of tree sparrows fledged last week so there are now lots on the feeders and the females are now back in the nest boxes sat on eggs. The stock doves fledged their chicks from the discovery hide and the female is sat back on the nest again.

Plenty of butterflies on the wing, this week we have seen, wall, small white, speckled wood, peacock, green-veined white, brimstone, common blue, orange tip and small copper.

The tubular water dropwort ( a rare plant species, and one of our SSSI features) has been spreading across the reserve and we are seeing it in new ditches and new areas we've not seen before.

The grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.

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