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Latest sightings

We are gearing up to opening on Wednesday 10th June, it is booking only, details on our website, sorry if you haven't got your tickets yet but more will be released on Wednesday 10th at 9am.

The rain has put some much needed water on woodend marsh which the waders are loving, today their were 6 fledged lapwing chicks, avocets, redshank and little ringed plovers. Stock photo, lapwing.

The mud infront of the Ron Barker hide is now just covered and providing fantastic feeding for the avocets, the shelduck ducklings are now huge and the orchard ducklings are doing well.

At harrier hide the great-crested grebe chicks are doing well and following the parents around, along the reedbed walk the warblers are singing loudly and many can be seen and heard including Cetti's, sedge, reed, willow and chiffchaff.

At Janet Kear hide the feeders are busy with fledglings including goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch, blue tit, great tit and great-spotted woodpeckers.

On the mere some of the black-headed gull chicks have fledged, the vegetation on the islands hasn't grown much this year so you can really see all of the action. The common terns are still incubating, their first clutches were unfortunately predated, we will hopefully put our herd of longhorn cattle on the mere soon with their 18 new born calves. The cows will do a great job eatting the vegetation and creating a nice sward for the pink footed geese when they arrive in September. The cows are often followed by the yellow wagtails, so hopefully they will provide some great views from the hides.

Today the grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.

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