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Latest sightings

Unfortunately we have been closed on Sunday and Monday due to high winds, Friday and Saturday highlights below.

The wildflowers in the grounds and reserve look great there are still forget-me-nots, ragged robin, oxeye daisies, Lord's and ladies, field scabious, the margoram smells amazing in the flower bed next to the Ron Barker hide. The whorled caraway is in full bloom on plover field. There is some ragwort which are covered in cinnabar moth caterpillars.

The coal tits by the canoe safari have fledged and can be seen being fed by the adults. The tree sparrows are sitting on eggs again their third broods. Young goldcrests can be seen by the kingfisher hide.

We run a weekly moth trap on the reserve, the moths are attracted to a mercury vapour bulb their are lots of egg boxes which the moths love hiding in, in the morning we check the trap ID the moths then let them go. Highlights this week include buff tip, hummingbird hawk moths, burnished brass, large yellow underwings

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